Online or phone therapy is a very accessible way of receiving a variety of therapy methods ranging from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Person Centred Therapy and therapy for treating trauma. It can be a useful option on its own or support an existing outpatient rehab programme such as home detoxing or even a continuation of treatment after residential rehab. All the individual will need to participate is a quiet private space, a phone or smart device and access to the internet.
The individual may be concerned about their mental health, struggling with addiction or even a family member who is trying to support someone who is in active addiction. Whatever the reason, we provide specialist care delivered by experts that is based on years of experience of working within the addiction industry.
At Rehabs UK we believe in a holistic approach which embraces various forms of treatments and therapies and that's why those who take up therapy with us will also gain access to a weekly online recovery support group and WhatsApp group at no additional cost.
There is also face-to-face therapy available in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire for those who may prefer to see someone in person.
To find out more speak with a Treatment Advisor today.

With the fast-paced growth of modern technology, online and phone therapy is able to offer you services from across the world. This can be done in many forms. The options available to you will depend on your therapist. Finding the right online or phone therapy for you will help you on your way to recovery. It provides the individual with a sense of security knowing that they can get support from wherever they are.
It provides therapy in an easy, mobile and accessible way. Suited to your individual lifestyle infact, 91% of people currently in online therapy agree that more people should try it.
Northwestern University (USA) and and Germany’s Leipzig University suggest that online therapy is just as effective as face-to-face work for clients, especially longer-term.
There are many addictions and mental health conditions which can be helped through online or phone therapy. Some of these are mentioned below:

This type of therapy is useful for anyone who may have just completed a rehabilitation programme and feel they need some continued support. It might also benefit those who travel for work or are not always living in the same area to set up a location to go to one-to-one therapy or group therapy.
The benefit of online or phone therapy is that it can be done from almost anywhere in the world. If you feel like that you need some help and support, you can potentially be in contact with a therapist at the hit of a button.
The service is ideal for those who feel they may need therapy to help combat or explore their addiction but perhaps don’t have the finance for a residential rehab. Alternatively, if you are a loved-one and you feel like you could benefit from speaking with an addiction therapist please do speak to one of Treatment Advisors.