Individual therapy which may also be known as ‘talk therapy or counselling’ is a type of psychotherapy where a professional therapist will help an individual to work through personal issues which they might be facing. This could include addiction problems as well as mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, trauma, coping strategies for those with ADHD, relationship issues, and more. The aim of the therapy is to help control or improve the causes and symptoms which influence or have a negative impact on a person’s well-being.
Individual therapy can be short-term or long-term, depending on the nature of the issues being addressed and the individual's goals. Therapists may use various therapeutic approaches and techniques tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the individual client.
At Rehabs UK any one using our services to combat addiction will also gain access to a weekly online recovery groups facilitated by Therapist Jakana Rita and a weekly recovery foundation group delivered by our Director Lester Morse. They will also gain entry to our WhatsApp group for additional guidance and support at no extra cost.
Individual therapy (1-2-1 counselling) can be done online and combined with home detoxing, support after residential rehab or as part of an outpatient addiction programme.
Contact a Treatment Advisor today for a free assessment and a personalised treatment plan.

This type of therapy works by giving the person the opportunity to talk through situations and problems which may arise in their life confidentially with a professional in the sector. This type of therapy with equip the person with tools to help them cope with their problems. It doesn’t necessarily make the problems disappear in the persons life but it will aim to help them cope.
Individual therapy can be helpful for any type of addiction. It is a well-rounded tool which can help a range of individuals. Whether that be someone suffering from an alcohol addiction or someone suffering with a gambling addiction. This type of therapy can help both. It acts as a tool for the individual to explore themselves and understand where the root of their addiction is coming from and how to deal with these issues.