Although the exact timings will naturally depend on the individual, how long they have been using Oxycodone and how much they have been using, withdrawal will generally begin within about 12 hours of the last use.
From there, the detox process will usually take about five to seven days. However, most people find that the first two days are the hardest part and the process becomes more comfortable after that point.
Exactly what someone experiences during this process also depends on the severity of their addiction. Someone who often uses a large amount of Oxycodone or someone who has been using it for a long time may find detoxing more difficult. Age, weight and general health may also be factors.

Oxycodone, like any addiction, can put someone and those around them in danger. As an addiction develops and becomes a bigger part of someone’s life, they will find that their health suffers and that other aspects of their life such as work and relationships will be affected too. They may start to neglect their hygiene and appearance, lose interest in things that they previously enjoyed and experience difficulty in meeting the expectations of those around them or society as a whole. They may also find that they are spending more money than they can afford on sustaining their habit, leading to significant financial difficulties and – potentially – criminal behaviour. There is no such thing as a ‘good’ addiction, so getting help is for the best.
Probably not, but it’s still definitely the right place to start. Further therapy or treatment may be required, but what kind and how much will naturally depend on the individual and their unique circumstances. For example, someone who began using Oxycodone in an attempt to self-medicate for another condition such as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress may need additional support to help them deal with what led them to turn to Oxycodone in the first place.

Oxycodone detox begins as soon as withdrawal does and usually takes up to a week. Many people find the first two days to be the least comfortable part of the process, which is why this is also the part of the process when people are most likely to relapse. However, once this stage has passed, physical symptoms begin to ease over the course of days three to five. By the end of the week, symptoms have usually steadily decreased to the point where they have cleared up entirely. This does depend on the individual, though, so some people may take either more or less time to detox.