With prolonged abuse, the body becomes used to the presence of methamphetamine. It adjusts accordingly and without it, functioning normally becomes difficult.
If methamphetamine use stops, the body demands the drug by means of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. A methamphetamine high kicks in and dissipates quickly. Users tend to repeat doses frequently to avoid the comedown. As such, withdrawal symptoms can be felt from as little as two hours after last use.
The first step on the road to overcoming methamphetamine addiction is detox. This essential process tackles the physical addiction by removing all traces of the drug from the body before moving on to address the psychological dependence.
While methamphetamine is not as potent as crystal meth, withdrawal from it can still be unpleasant and potentially dangerous. Detox is an unavoidable step on the road to recovery but some of the more distressing symptoms as a consequence of withdrawal can be alleviated with medical monitoring and care.
The symptoms and duration of withdrawal are different for each individual but are generally more severe in line with frequency and quantity of use.

Addiction has a profound effect on your life and the lives of those around you. Without treatment, your condition will deteriorate.
As your body becomes less responsive to the effects of methamphetamine, you’ll need to consume it in greater quantities or more potent forms to chase the high. The more you consume, the greater the risk to health. When the potency and toxicity of methamphetamine increases, so too does the risk of overdose.
It’s important to seek help as soon as possible. Detox is the first, essential step on the road to recovery. The purpose of detox is to remove all traces of methamphetamine from your system while controlling withdrawal symptoms.
The psychological complications of addiction cannot be explored until the physical dependence has been addressed. Being physically free from methamphetamine allows for clarity during ongoing psychotherapeutic rehabilitation.
Methamphetamine use alters how the brain functions. When withdrawing from the drug, the brain and body have to recalibrate to be able to function without it. The resulting sensations are often intensely uncomfortable.
Addiction is complex and treatment requires a high level of personalised care. While detox addresses physical dependency, it’s not sufficient alone to explore the accompanying psychological addiction.
Following detox, various therapies can be integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan to address the thoughts and behaviours surrounding methamphetamine use and addiction. This type of holistic approach offers a greater chance of successful recovery.

The detox process is different for every individual. From patterns of use to mental health, there are a number of factors that will influence how detox and withdrawal pan out.
Withdrawal can start from as little as a couple of hours after last use and some symptoms may persist for multiple weeks. The worst withdrawal symptoms should typically be over after a month. Acute withdrawal tends to peak at around day two or three and generally dissipates thereafter.
Some psychological symptoms can linger for several weeks. In rarer cases, protracted withdrawal can occur.