When an addicted person stops using ketamine, withdrawal symptoms set in. Detoxing from ketamine is rarely fatal but the symptoms of withdrawal can be difficult to endure. During the withdrawal process, people are likely to experience intense cravings and feel emotionally unstable and physically ill at ease with symptoms such as "Ket cramps".

At this stage, many people are vulnerable to relapse and may continue to use ketamine in a bid to stave off the discomfort of the purging process.

Abruptly discontinuing ketamine use will cause withdrawal symptoms to peak quickly. While going cold turkey is one option, tapering consumption may be a more appropriate course of action. The most comfortable way to detox from Ketamine would be to participate in a medically assisted withdrawal protocol which can be undertaken within a residential facility or home-based outpatient programme.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with Ketamine dependence and would like to learn more about the available treatment options, reach out to our Treatment Advisors today for a free assessment.

Jack Curran and Lester Morse for the Altered Attitudes Podcast


Ketamine abuse can quickly lead to dependence. As tolerance increases, higher quantities of the drug need to be consumed to recreate the initial high.

If you’ve been using ketamine for long enough and in sufficient quantities, you may have developed a dependency on it. When you stop using the drug, your body will need to readjust to its absence. Detox and withdrawal are the processes that occur during this period of readjustment.

Detoxification is the first, essential step on the road to recovery from addiction. The purpose of detox is to remove all traces of ketamine from your system while controlling any withdrawal symptoms.

To be able to move forward in the recovery process, it’s essential to be free from ketamine.

Like many other substance addictions, ketamine addiction is difficult to overcome. Many addicts may have multiple drug dependencies or suffer from a co-occurring mental health disorder. Addiction is complex and treatment and recovery require a high level of personalised care.

While detox addresses the physical symptoms of addiction, it’s equally, if not more, important to address the accompanying psychological dependency.

Following successful detox, various therapies can be integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan to address the thoughts and behaviours surrounding ketamine addiction. A holistic approach to addiction offers a greater chance of successful recovery.

Dr Ike Nnene Private General Practitioner sat at his desk working

Withdrawal from ketamine can last from 72 hours to several weeks. Symptoms generally kick-in between 24 and 72 hours after the last dose of the drug.

The amount of time detox takes is largely determined by the level of drugs in your system and your habituation.

Acute withdrawal symptoms tend to peak and then taper off as time progresses. Once withdrawal symptoms have stabilised, psychological issues can be addressed.